1 、遵守国家法律法规的相关规定,具有独立合法的法人或自然人资格。

2 、认同并接受“乔治皇冠”品牌特许经营模式及公司所倡导的企业文化理念,并能接受和遵守“乔治皇冠”品牌系统运营规范。

3 、具有较强的品牌意识和健康、坦诚的合作心态并自愿接受总部的管理和培训。

4 、加盟投资者本人亲自运作或另有适合的经营管理者人选。

5 、具有足够投资实力,且有投身“乔治皇冠”品牌的创业热情。

6 、加盟投资者本人健康状况良好,且家属亲友都支持加盟开店。

7 、具有 ( 自购或租用 ) 符合开店要求 ( 不低于 50 平方米,视地段而定 ) 的经营场所。

8 、具有良好的现代服务意识、较强的人际关系和沟通能力。

9 、具有持之以恒、吃苦耐劳的工作精神,并有较强的财务管理能力。

10 、具有理性的投资心态,能够客观地看待投资与回报的关系,没有暴利期求,并有一定的承担风险的能力




1, to comply with the relevant provisions of national laws and regulations, with independent legal personality or natural person.


2, identify and accept the brand franchise model and the company advocated by the concept of corporate culture, and to accept and abide by the brand of women's system operating norms.


3, with a strong brand awareness and health, frank cooperation mentality and willing to accept the headquarters of the management and training.


4, to join the investor himself or another person to operate the appropriate management candidates.


5, with sufficient investment strength, and have to join the  brand of women's entrepreneurial enthusiasm.


6, joined the investors themselves in good health, and family members and friends are support to join the shop.


7, with (from the purchase or lease) meet the shop requirements (not less than 50 square meters, depending on location may be) place of business.


8, has a good sense of modern service, strong interpersonal and communication skills.


9, with perseverance, hard-working spirit of the work and a strong financial management capabilities.


10, with a rational investment mentality, can objectively look at the relationship between investment and return, there is no demand for profits, and have a certain ability to take risks